The day of devil worshipper !

hi folks did you check the date of today .. yes it is 6th june. The day when Sukarno was born in the year of 1901 who attempted to consolidate his multi-island nation 'Indonesia' and establish a "guided democracy". :P no I am not talking about him. I am talking about the date 06-06-06. Yes this very date is proved as "number of the beast" by the biblical historians.
The historians say that "idiots around the world are preparing for satanic chaos on June 6 of this year -- a date often written as "06/06/06,"
According to the bible analysts there are 2 kinds of people - one is 666 people and the other is 888 people !
"The 666 people live their lives without God, wholly according to adamic fallen human nature. In doing this, willingly or unwillingly, they are in Satan's grip. The 888 people are a total contrast. They follow the Lamb wherever he goes. They are wholly led by the Spirit and have entered the fullness of sonship. They have been redeemed from the earth."
The mothers are in fear to give birth on this very day of curse !
check this out !
Moms-to-be fear 06/06/06 babies
The devil worshipper believes that the devil will come and conquer this earth. how ? okie .. lets go for a historical meaning. All of us know about the Roman Numbering system !! In that system 666 is deciphered as VI VI VI. In the Latin language this refers directly to : Vini, Vidi, Vinci. These words have the distinct meaning of: "I came, I saw, I conquered". The Latin word "Vini", has been since re-spelled as "Veni". Thus, the abbreviation of Vini(Veni), Vidi, Vinci, is VI VI VI or 666.
Now some examples .. everybody knows about Henry Kissinger. Judging by his actions with the One World Order controllers, Kissinger, too, appears to be a part of the "Beast" system. How ?
Using the English Alphabet and the Babylonian numbering system (system numbering by six) and assigning "man’s" number "6" to the first letter "A"" of man’s alphabet, a system has been constructed by giving each succeeding letter an increasing value of six. For example:
6 12 18 24 30 36 42 48 54 60 66 72 78
84 90 96 102 108 114 120 126 132 138 144 150 156
Now for Kissinger (Henry) it stands (K-66, I-54, S-114, S-114, I-54, N-84, G-42, E-30, R-108) add them up .. u will find that the total is "666" :-S
According to this numbering system check the following words
Rape 240 = 6 [R=108+A=6+P=96+E=30]
Satan 330 = 6
Murder 474 = 15 = 6
And the flipped over 6 is 9 and according to bible 9 considered as a "number of good !"
According to the Babbylonian number system check the following words:
Love 324 = 9
Peace 180 = 9
Kindness 720 = 9
Isnt it amazing !!
For more information you can check this out also !
06/06/06: Another Date with Para-Science
Anywyaz the day is almost finished and I found nothing ill happened.. so dont worry !! cheers !!
The Babbylonian number system is amazing !! .. interesting ..!!
n thank God ! nothing bad happnnd till now :-S
Devil as in AntiChrist, Ad-Dajjal?
yes shakia devil is anti-christ !!!
and upoma !! the number system is amazing !!
according to my babylonian number system for my name it stands for
dipu = 300 = 3 (that is undecided)
oh i need to tell u that the 6 stands for devil!! 9 stands for good and 3 stands for undecided !!
suppose for
KILL= 264=12=3
Now u cant decide whether "KILL" is good or bad !! :-s
hmmm... dipu u have spent a huge time in this number. i think u better start studyin for the masters. u will shine...:P
kool! isn't there any system of calculating 'good'?
hey Audity !! good to hear from you !!
yes according to the Babylonian
that is GOOD is also undecidable !! coz what is good for Devil is bad for Good people and what is Good for Good people is Bad for Devil !!
haha! jotil bisleshon :D good job (Y)
Kisssinger er 666 kintu add korle 9 hoye jay :P ... ami boltesilam 888 calculate kore kemne?
r khobor ki?? kaj ki "good" choltese?
btw... apnar good theory kintu bad e khate na :P
B(12) + A(6) + D(24)=42=6
tar mane daray bad is BAD!
joss.. bhaloi laglo pore :)
Nice Bloggin Mr. Dipu :)
Dipu check this :P
My full name : Dewan Muhammed Ibtesham =202*6=1212->6
Nick name : Shafi = 43*6=258->15->6
audity ! BAD is bad no doubt ! and kissinger is also BAD .. dont add 666 :P
oi shafi: tui dekha jai ekdom sacha bhalo manush .. he he he .. ek kam kor tor bongshodhor sobr nam eibhabe calculate kore tobe rakh ! :P
Munaz: thanks for visiting here .. and aprove me in ur phpxperts groups in yahoo !
BAD niye arguement to cyclic.. evil er jonno jeta BAD, bhaloder jonno sheta GOOD ... eta niye na ghatai bhalo :P
btw.. Church is BAD! [366 = 15 = 6]
Christ is neutral [462 = 12 = 3]
but Mosque is GOOD :S [540 = 9]
(eita church ala der abishkar na? :P )
audity good job (Y)
ho eita church olader avishkar .. ha ha ha ...
ami ekta newspaper er chipay akta article pore church er ghotona peyechi :$ ora aro onek nam mention korechilo...shob political leader... ora bolte chachchilo je church certain political leader ke khomotachuto korar jonno ei jinishta ber koreche... kintu ammu paperta fele dise :@
amar shudhu church mone chilo... to bhablam relative shobkichu try kore dekhi :P ... so some credit goes to me ;)
apni nishchup keno??? amar to khali khela dekha r baki shomoy khelar chinta + porikhkha'r chinta korei katche :D ...
Argentina'r khela dekhsen nishchoi... ami replay dekhsi .. pagol kora khela khelse!!!
hey Dipu? Blog er update nai keno? seems u are busy somewhere else.. hope for the best.. :)
dipu, what's up? koi harali? Hope everything's alright.
blog likho na keno ??
keno keno ???
i am back
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