Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Disappoitned - Happy - Saddened

Last few days I faced a great mess in my blog. I was really dishearted when I found that my whole template is messed up anyhow ! ohh.. that was the worst feeling.

U may think what is the reason behind the picture of this post. I was thinking of escaping last couple of days from everything, the picture represents the essence of escaping :P

When I found that my blog template has been corrupted then I had a feling like that "my own home has been demolished in front of me " U may think that I am optimistic. Last few days I felt like a homeless person :(

I came back again to this blogging world againg. Yes I am feeling good again. But during this time I realized a thing that here the bloggers are sharing feelings, sharing their thoughts, arguing , commenting and each and everyone is enjoying .. bah bah bah . But this enjoyment is only limited here online. I dont feel good when I realize that this is limited only online. May its a kind of habit .. coz I spend most of my time online and I feel online as my home :P

I was not happy or well last few days !
But right now just after starting writing blog I am feeling happy .. :)

I had some eperience .. I wanted to write them .. but dhurr ajke bhalo lagtesena .. :(

Folks .. sorry to bore u. never mind!


Saturday, April 22, 2006

The Da Vincie Code Quest

The Da Vinci Code involves a thrilling murder investigation that unearths a secret that could change the course of history. The film opens May 19th worldwide...

The quest, which began April 17th requires skill, intellect, and perseverance. Over a span of 24 days ending May 11th, you will encounter unique challenges. These daily puzzles will pull you deeper into the world of The Da Vinci Code. Answer all 24 puzzles correctly for a chance to win untold riches.

Only the worthy will prevail.

If you use Google Desktop then U already got this quest news .. or you can check out the title link of this post or the link below :

Da Vinci Code Quest

You can win a lot of good prizes . the prize is list is given here below ..

Da Vincie Code Quest Pize List

Enjoy ! everyone ..

some of myfriends told me that the movie is already been released ..but thats not true ...
Chau .. adios .. abianto .. mahalo .. !!


Tuesday, April 18, 2006

Aj kono kaj nei ! Nothing to do !

Today I am kind of workless .. ! Nothing to do .. waiting for instructions to do .. :( Nothing special happened .. everything as usual .. ! But I found this place of blogging to spend sometime which gives me some pleasure eveyday ..

As usual I was roaming through all the blogfeeds .. I check more than 50 blogs everyday .. today I found that only 2 of them posted new posts .. (Tareq, Rezwan bhai ) anyway I enjoyed those ..

Then what to do ? I spent sometime in online painting at "art pad" referred by Tareq

I painted a lot mine ..

Nobody Is Perfect
Hi Buddy

Chck them out .. and start ur own .. its really fun .. !

Then ..what to do ? yeah I started annoying all my friends in messenger who are 'busy going with their works' - .. :( One of them Sajib (boro bhai) told me to have a Tibetan mind test .. na .. i didn`t enjoy that ..

Suddenly a man came to my room and panting; asking me to help him- I said "how?" he said "boss I have viva to face but i dont have my cv print .. can u please give me a copy of print ?" Then I gave him a print out ..

After that my boss called me to other floor of our office and told me to sit in the viva board and I found that boy is sitting there .. :D The boy was amazed to see me .. that was really a co-incedence or whatever it is; I got fun ..

Then I again came back to my room .. alone alone .. all all alone :( everybody went to lunch .. no one online .. no one is posting a new post .. no one commenting me .. everyone is busy .. ! I am the only one who is just wasting time doin nothing .. what to do ?

Then I started writing this blog .. and I bored u guyz ! But I enjoyed writing this.

Then and then "I`ve got mail".. Hurray! I got new task to do .. bye ..chau..adious..abianto..mahalo...


Sunday, April 16, 2006

Bangla Blogging !

Yeah the bengali programmers at last started bangla blogging ! Its quite nice...

Check the link !

Bangla Weblog

I started my own in Amar Akash

They support both Bijoy and Phonetic Keyboard. Bangla writing is not that tough now. You can use this bangla blog from both Firefox and Internet Explorer. But it has got some problem still with Opera.

Now a days lots of keyboards in Bangladesh have written bangla Leters in there beside the English letters. Most of them are Bijoy keyboard layout. So, you can easily write bangla ...

It supports jpeg,png,gif images to upload. You can categorize ur posts. This blog has also RSS feeds. And the joss thing I guess is that every month they are rewarding someone for nice postings .. ! This is really appreciable..I didn`t check all the features yet .. but so far I did .. my experience says: "COOL!"

The amazing thing is that after starting a couple of months they have got more than a million visitors ! sabash Bangla Blog Starter .. kep it up ..(Y)


Thursday, April 13, 2006

Shuvo Noboborsho-Happy New (Bangla) Year

The Bangla new year celebration is tomorrow... The year ended with a sad news that is Bangladesh lost the test match against Australia where they had a great chance to win .. any way-

"Noboborsho" that means "new year" is celebrated largely every year in Bangldesh. Today, the last day of the Bangla year, known as Chaitra Shankranti is also the last day of the traditional Chaitra Parba festival.

This is Bengali 1413. wow.. I can remember the huge celebration of 1400 .. :D

Now what I do in every Noboborsho? yeah At the morning me and some of my friends (tareq, amit, jony and others) first gather at Shahbagh.. then start from "Ramna Botomul" .. thus the journey begins ... we roam all the day in the Dhaka University area..
color our face in charukola .. :P

Thousands and thousands of people gather in this whole area. In one side of "Shishu Park" Fakir alamgir sings song all the day .. At TSC (teachers students center of DU) lots of boys and girls gather.. father-mother with their children.. all together just walk, walk and walk ..

All the ladies wear nice colorful sarees which gives us extra energy to walk around all the day under the hot sun..

These beautiful ladies .. what they do is only lough .. :D I dont know why but everytime I saw all of them laughing laughing only laughing .. :)

Then at charukola we ride on the famous "Nagor Dola".. riding there is a lot of fun..tareq.. the top view .. he he he

The rally of charukola students is another "chomok" of the day ... every year it starts at 9 from "charukola prangon" then it moves round the "doyel chottor", "science faculty" and back to "Charukola again" Huge colorful masks, dummies of national bird, animal etc. are the main decoration.. this year I heard that the charukola students have arranged it with their own money .. government didn`t pay at all. ..

See! how huge a rally could be !

Yeah may be one of them is me :p
Then and then when its noon .. then everybody becomes tired and try to find some shadow to take breath.. all the ladies got priority then .. i get no problem at all when i need to leave my place for a beutiful lady :P

Then and then at after noon we again start journey .. listen to"BAUL gan" .. "Amar sadh mete na langol choshe .." or "Age ki sundor din kataitam.. "

Oh I forgot the panta bhat .. yeah thats not special for me on this very day .. coz me and my friends are used to with that .. so we dont waste our valiable money buying "Panta" in "Boishakhi mela" :p

I dont know may be the whole post became a document .. or an essay .. essay on "Ekdin Pohela Boishakhe" ha ha .. But i am excited to celebrate the day .. And I WISH U ALL A WARM "shuvo noboborsho" .. tomader jibon hok ei shishutir moto pobitro.....


Tuesday, April 11, 2006

Chalo Bangladesh

Tigers serve Australia second day stunner


Sunday, April 09, 2006

When the dreams will come true ?

Oh! when the dreams will come true ? when when when ? I am agitated..

I had a lots of dreams ..

I wish I could go abroad
I wish I could play guitar as like as 'Joe satriani'
I wish I could make a movie of my own
I wish I could make my own site with page rank 10 out of 10
I wish I could spend one night in 'Sundriban' one night in 'Chera deep' and one night in 'Madagaskar'
I wish I could play flute which will break all the silence in night
I wish I could form a band of mine
I wish I could give a good treat to all of my friends
I wish I could travel in 'Rickshaw' in the Heavy rain with my girlfriend
I wish I could enjoy arranging a great good party in my sister`s wedding
ahh! all the wishes are stopped in the half way ..
I cant apply for uni in abroad or I cant travel .. coz lack of money !

Everynight I am bothering with my old fourth hand givson acoustic guitar .. had a desire to buy an ibanez with processor and amp. it also stopped .. lack of money !

Me and some of my friends wrote the story for a movie, synopsis, whole director script, camera script, actor script..everything ready..but stopped .. lack of money ! we only could manage camera and editing cost nothing else !

I am done with the design of my site, i have the domain.. but its not live yet .. i have no hosting cost.. :((

Spendin night in 'Sundriban' is impossible- what we need is to hire a launch for 3 days (!)..and spending in 'chera deep' .. still need of money (!)

Playing 'flute' its the only thing which needs less money which I can afford.. but the problem is .. its impossible to play in congested appartment at night .. :-??

The band members are ready .. but noone can gather at a time .. everybody is busy in their own tasks..

Everytime I have plan to treat my friends and everytime it ends up with some dissatisfaction coz i cant afford all at a time :(

hmm.. she is vague !

Oh from childhood i was planning for this very occasssion of my only one sister`s wedding .. now what happened(?) they are hanging after "engagement+akd" and dont know when the party will be arranged ?

Everynight I assure myself "dont worry u will earn lots of money soon.. then u will be able to fuflill all of ur dreams"

But I am agitated.. I think I am growing older fast.. what to do ? .. :((


Amar shosta shopner epith opith
Bhule jaoar cheshta kora koshter otit
Morche dhora bhongur oi janalar shik
tobuo ache beche mor bibek - roshik...

Sob kichu bhenge chure berie asar
Sopnotake bhola ki thik?
Tumi hoyto bhabcho onno sob
Sosta gaaner motoi amar Lyric ...


"wow bangladesh is playing very well ! dance dance dance ! hurrah!!"


Tuesday, April 04, 2006

Out on the corner in the pouring rain

Today I experienced some mixture of GOOD-BAD & UGLY things..
Last night I didn`t sleep .. then at morning i got a message in mobile "U got bonus 200/- for .. bla bla " (wow!) but still I am confused that whether it is appended to my account or not ! Thus the day started ..

I was preparing myself whole night for an interview call. Then I ran to my office to just attend for a while and left early .. atlast went to the interview place .. and after waiting for long 2 hours they told me "today interview is postponed .. please ome tomorrow .. :( "
Thus the second phase ended ..

By this time my boss was calling me over and over in mobile .. I was not receiving .. coz I didn`t have any strong reason to being absent .. anyways! afternoon I came to office and waiting for a "kothin jhari" from him!

I entered his room and stood infornt of him as a guilty .. he sudenly uttered "arey koi thako sara din .. office e tomare paoa e jai na ..?"

Then bad in me arouse : 'apne asen kokhon ?'
Simaltaneously thinking myself that may be this is the end .. my job is gone .. ohh ! what will happen then ? If I lose this job - then .. ohh ! no !! :(

He again uttered : "sono ekhon theke regular thakba .. 10.30 er dike chole asba office e .. office e kaure aisa na dekhle mejaj kharap hoi "

Bad in me: 'okey okey .. this is the only second day in last 5 months I was absent .. ! '

He continued : "okey . ei nao check ei mash er salary .. with increment .. congratulations ! ar baire baire ghura ghurai bondho koro .. goto masher kaje amra khushi .. keep it up ! "

WOW ! i couldn`t believe myself .. whats going on today ? first phase may be vague.. the second phase was ugly .. the third one is best ! wow !

Suddenly the power supply gone and i noticed that a strong wind is blowing outside .. a heavy rain is going to be poured on earth .. aah .. what a view from the 10 th floor of Modhumita building.

I then asked him : "boss! jhor astese .. ajke jai ?"

Mr. Boss: "arey jai jai koro ken khali ? " he then lighted a Benson and offered me one .. :P
He continued: "thako .. ajke cholo chade gia sob brishtite bhiji "

:O whoa !

What was the end can u guess ? yes the whole crew in our office went to the roof and spent under pouring rain for 1 hour .. the first rain of monsoon .. uuhh..

Now, while I was writing this blog: i was drying the bank check of my salary.. :P and the mobile ..yeah the siemens c75 is all okie .. (kire tareq, abedin dekhsot mobile banaise ek khan !)
and was listening to the song of maroon 5 ----

Beauty queen of only eighteen
She had some trouble with herself
He was always there to help her She
Always belonged to someone else

I drove for miles and miles And wound up at your door...
I've had you so many times but somehow I want more...

I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain...
Look for the girl with the broken smile
Ask her if she wants to stay awhile...
And she will... be loved
She will be loved.....

Tap on my window knock on my door I
want to make you feel beautiful
I know I tend to get SO insecure
It doesn't matter anymore

It's not always rainbows and butterflies It's compromise that moves us along YEAH
My heart is full and my door's always open You come anytime you want YEAH

I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved...
She will be loved

I know where you hide Alone in your car
Know all of the things that make you who you are
I know that goodbye means nothing at all
Comes back and begs me to catch her every time she falls....

Tap on my window knock on my door I want to make you feel beautiful

I don't mind spending everyday Out on your corner in the pouring rain
Look for the girl with the broken smile Ask her if she wants to stay awhile
And she will be loved... She will be loved
And she will be loved... She will be loved


Sunday, April 02, 2006

What u think ?

One of my friends Asif Ahmed RUMU realized a thing himself and he told me the idea .. and I totlally agree with him .. then he proposed me to post his thoughts in my blog .. so I am attaching it here .. And u say What u think ?


Do u love ur country?wht r u thinking abt upcoming election?Hv u thought anytime abt the unconditional sacrifice of our HEROES in 1971…..

Isn’t it the high time to protest those who denied our liberation war ,who executed the all sort of brutality ,who assisted those pakistany bustered to kill our FREEDOM FIGHTERS ,for whom women were humiliated ,those who r trying to fadeaway our living legends as well as ignoring their moto of voluntary death in 1971….

If u love ur country or realize the HEROES sacrifice in 1971 and to save our everlasting RED GREEN flag as well as our thousand yrs culture and tradition …..plz once again think of it ….plz discuss and inspire ur family members and friends to get a new way to remove those bustereds soul frm our beloved country.

Yes we hv so many ways to do that but ....should we give them the most effective answer in upcoming election by our votes?

Plz…plz…give ur valuable vote to qualified persons who love their Bangladesh frm the core of their mind,who feel proud to utter the word BANGLADESH,who can gift a new Bangladesh to us as well as our next generation.

If u r already a voter then of course u give vote or at least leave a blank vote otherwise this vote of urs will be misused..

# we r not related with any political party .our soul is inspired us to do it.we try to show our respect and gratitude for those HEROES who were participated our magnanimous liberation war in 1971.

If u wish u can send this message to ur friends,famil members,seniours,juniors anybody whom u like most …u can modify this one also …thnx